The PROJECT GENERAL COMPANY in partnership with PT. Republika Penerbit published the Indonesian Language text version of the AGILE Practice Guide.
The Agile Practice Guide was developed as a resource to understand, evaluate, and use agile and hybrid agile approaches. This practice guide provides guidance on when, where, and how to apply agile approaches and provides practical tools for practitioners and organizations wanting to increase agility.
This practice guide is aligned with other PMI standards, including A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) – Sixth Edition, and was developed as the result of collaboration between the Project Management Institute and the Agile Alliance.
PT. Konexindo Unitama, PT. Republika Penerbit
Date Published: October, 2018
Subjects: Agile practices (Project management)
ISBN 978-602-5734-40-3
Please click below to purchase the AGILE Practice Guide - Bahasa Indonesia = (Click: IDR = 179,000 +Vat 10% + GoJek 30,000)
Indonesia Through Different Lenses -
The Project General Company is a proud co author of Indonesia Through Different Lenses with The Ambassador and CEO Club
Indonesia through different lenses . Written to promote Indonesia’s tourism.
INDONESIA THROUGH DIFFERENT LENSES, co-written by 18 people of 16 nationalities (Indonesia, Germany, France, Panama, Argentina, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Czech Republic, Sweden, Sudan, Mongolia, Hungary, India, Canada, Malaysia, USA), will be launched on May 3rd, 2019.We are honored to have a chance to collaborate with 14 Ambassadors and 3 professional friends to promote Indonesia’s tourism. The PROJECT GENERAL COMPANY, Jakarta in collaboration with The Ambassador and CEO club are excited by this book and helping Indonesia.18 Co writers, 16 Nationalities.
(All proceeds will go to charity)
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To order: WA: +6281293685985 e-mail: